Who We Are

We are a small manufacturing L.L.C. based in Reno, "The Biggest Little City in The World".  We specialize in hand crafted jewelry, home décor, and fun toys for kids and adults with playful hearts.

Though the founder of The Design Bench loved to make and create things with his hands since he was a little kid, making presents for his Nana, mom and three aunts that raised him, the concept of this company actually started back in 1995 when the founder of the company began teaching youth at a drug treatment center how to make home made jewelry. The jewelry classes were a major success to a point where the instructor (I) of the class would sell some of the instructor's jewelry creations to financially support and buy more supplies for the jewelry classes. This was the beginning of the dream of one day opening a store of hand crafted jewelry and hand crafted gifts to support other youth organizations in the Reno and surrounding area.

The Founder of The Design Bench